Authors: |
Bartłomiej Grychtol
Date: | 2024
Brief Description: |
High density smooth triangulated organ surfaces of the human torso
derived from the
database by The Database Center for Life Science.
This is a copy of a dataset published on Zenodo , packaged as EIDORS-compatible meshes. Data were published as
License: |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.1 Japan
Attribution Requirement: |
Use or presentation of these data must acknowledge
Format: |
Data are stored in Matlab v7 file format. See Zenodo for more details.
Data: |
The data is used by the functions mk_thorax_model_bp3d
and mk_thorax_model
torso = mk_thorax_model_bp3d('2x16_odd-even','fine'); %% fmdl = torso.fwd_model; clf h = show_fem(fmdl); ch = get(gca, 'Children'); for i = 1:numel(ch) set(ch(i),'EdgeColor','none'); end set(h,'FaceColor',[.5 .5 .5]); set(h,'FaceLighting','phong','AmbientStrength',0.7) light('Position',[1 -.5 0.2],'Style','infinite'); set(h,'FaceAlpha',.3) hold on idx = [ 2, 3, 4]; alpha = [ .3, .3, 1]; color = [ .3 0 0; .3 0 0; .75 0 0;]; for i = 1:numel(idx) obj = rmfield(fmdl,'boundary'); obj.elems = obj.elems(fmdl.mat_idx{idx(i)},:); obj = fix_boundary(obj); oh(i) = show_fem(obj); set(oh(i),'EdgeColor','none') set(oh(i),'FaceColor',color(i,:),'FaceLighting','phong') set(oh(i),'FaceAlpha',alpha(i)) end %oxygenated blood idx = [5 9:12]; for i = 1:numel(idx) obj = rmfield(fmdl,'boundary'); obj.elems = obj.elems(fmdl.mat_idx{idx(i)},:); obj = fix_boundary(obj); oh(i) = show_fem(obj); set(oh(i),'EdgeColor','none') set(oh(i),'FaceColor',[1 0 0],'FaceLighting','phong') end %de-oxygenated blood idx = [6:8]; for i = 1:numel(idx) obj = rmfield(fmdl,'boundary'); obj.elems = obj.elems(fmdl.mat_idx{idx(i)},:); obj = fix_boundary(obj); oh(i) = show_fem(obj); set(oh(i),'EdgeColor','none') set(oh(i),'FaceColor',[0 0 1],'FaceLighting','phong') end axis off hold off %% view(3) print_convert('torso_colors_01.jpg','-r600') %% view(0,0) print_convert('torso_colors_02.jpg','-r600') clf torso.calc_colours.ref_level = 1; torso.calc_colours.transparency_thresh = .01; %show_3d_slices(torso, [1242],[],[]); for i = [13 15 19:22] torso.elem_data(torso.fwd_model.mat_idx{i}) = 3; end [slc, p] = mdl_slice_mesher(torso, [inf inf 1242]); slc.calc_colours.ref_level = 1; slc.calc_colours.transparency_thresh = .01; h = show_fem(slc); set(h,'LineWidth',1) ch = get(gca,'Children'); % need a custom colormap idx = unique(get(ch(18), 'FaceVertexCData')); color = [ .3 0 0; % lung 1 .7 .7; % vessel .75 0 0; % heart wall 0 0 1; % deox HB 1 0 0; % oxHB ]; c = ones(254,3); for i = 1:numel(idx) c(idx(i),:) = color(i,:); end colormap(c); view(2) set(gca,'ydir','reverse') p.FaceVertexCData(:) = 0; h2 = patch(p); set(h2,'FaceAlpha',0) set(h2,'LineWidth',0.1) set(h2,'EdgeAlpha',.8) axis off print_convert('torso_slice_01.jpg','-r600');For other examples of the use, see eidors-svn/pubs/conferences/EIT2024/torso-mesh-bp3d/mk_figures.m
A) Full model with coloured organ regions, B) zoomed image into the full model
in the heard region, C) FEM mesh in a slice through the ventricles.Last Modified: $Date: 2024-12-30 07:58:07 -0500 (Mon, 30 Dec 2024) $ by $Author: aadler $