Author: | Camille Gómez-Laberge
Date: | September 21, 2005.
Brief Description: | EIT invivo measurements collected on a normal human subject performing normal and paradoxical breathing manoeuvres.
Measurements were collected using single- and double-plane electrode configurations.
License: | Creative Commons Artistic License (with attribution).
Attribution Requirement: | None
Format: | Data are stored as Zip files containing the VIASYS *.get file format.
Data: | Data (zip format): Single plane measurements
Data (zip format): Double plane measurements |
% ************************************ % Electrical Impendance Tomography % VIASYS invivo data % University of Ottawa % Department of Electrical Engineering % Date: September 21, 2005 % Author: Camille Gomez-Laberge % $Id: cg_normal_breathing_2006.shtml 5345 2017-02-28 18:12:08Z aadler $ % ************************************ This README file is the documentation that accompanies the data collected in these directory: cgomez-1pl/ % **************************** % THE EXPERIMENT % **************************** Subject: Camille Gomez-Laberge Age: 25 Status: Healthy Experimenter: Li Peng Xie Date Collected: September 15, 2005 Locale: Research laboratory Equipment: EIT Viasys / University of Gottingen Electrodes: 17 EKG Blue Sensor Ag/Ag-Cl electrodes (16 + reference) Skin Preparation: Rubbing alcohol Measurement Procedure: All measurements are taken while the subject is supine. Ambient temperature in room is 25 degrees Celcius. Details for each part of the experiment follow. PART I: Directory: cgomez-1pl/ Placement: Single plane 16 electrodes aligned with the fifth rib directly below the nipple. Electrode 1 is in the centre of the sternum. The other electrodes are labelled moving towards the subject's right side so that electrode 5 in under the right armpit, electrode 9 on the spine and electrode 13 under the left armpit. The reference electrode is placed on the right side of the subject's waist line. Subject is rested - in normal state 1. Tidal breathing Heart rate: 62 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t1_001.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at functional residual capacity. 2. Total Lung Capacity - Residual Capacity (TLC-RC) Heart rate: 62 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t1_002.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at residual capacity. 3. Paradoxial Breathing Heart rate: 62 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t1_003.get Note: Subject is holding breath and transfering air across thorax by expanding the rib cage and then expanding the abdomen. This is repeated every 5 seconds for the duration of the sample. Subject induces stress on the cardiovascular system by lower-body excercise (e.g running, climbing stairs). Subject ran until heartrate exceeded 90 bpm (approx. 6 minutes in this case). NOTE: The electrodes are not removed during excercise. 4. Tidal breathing Heart rate: 92 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t1_004.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at functional residual capacity. 5. TLC-RC Heart rate: 90 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t1_005.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at residual capacity. 6. Paradoxial Breathing Heart rate: 84 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t1_006.get Note: Subject is holding breath and transfering air across thorax by expanding the rib cage and then expanding the abdomen. This is repeated every 5 seconds for the duration of the sample. % END OF EXPERIMENT
% ************************************ % Electrical Impendance Tomography % VIASYS invivo data % University of Ottawa % Department of Electrical Engineering % Date: September 21, 2005 % Author: Camille Gomez-Laberge % $Id: cg_normal_breathing_2006.shtml 5345 2017-02-28 18:12:08Z aadler $ % ************************************ This README file is the documentation that accompanies the data collected in these directory: cgomez-2pl/ % **************************** % THE EXPERIMENT % **************************** Subject: Camille Gomez-Laberge Age: 25 Status: Healthy Experimenter: Li Peng Xie Date Collected: September 15, 2005 Locale: Research laboratory Equipment: EIT Viasys / University of Gottingen Electrodes: 17 EKG Blue Sensor Ag/Ag-Cl electrodes (16 + reference) Skin Preparation: Rubbing alcohol Measurement Procedure: All measurements are taken while the subject is supine. Ambient temperature in room is 25 degrees Celcius. Details for each part of the experiment follow. PART II: Directory: cgomez-2pl/ Placement: Two planes of 8 electrodes each. The upper plane is vertically aligned with the fifth (5) rib directly below the nipple and the lower plane with the seventh (7) rib directly below the nipple. Electrode 1 is on the upper plane in the centre of the sternum. Electrode 2 is on the lower plane but shifted to the right by half the inter-electrode distance on the upper plane. The other electrodes are labelled in a zig-zag pattern, moving towards the subject's right side. The reference electrode is placed on the right side of the subject's waist line. Subject is rested - in normal state 1. Tidal breathing Heart rate: 58 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t2_001.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at functional residual capacity. 2. Total Lung Capacity - Residual Capacity (TLC-RC) Heart rate: 64 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t2_002.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at residual capacity. 3. Paradoxial Breathing Heart rate: 60 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t2_003.get Note: Subject is holding breath and transfering air across thorax by expanding the rib cage and then expanding the abdomen. This is repeated every 5 seconds for the duration of the sample. Measurement begins with abdomen expanded. Subject induces stress on the cardiovascular system by lower-body excercise (e.g running, climbing stairs). Subject ran until heartrate exceeded 90 bpm (approx. 6 minutes in this case). NOTE: The electrodes are not removed during excercise. 4. Tidal breathing Heart rate: 102 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t2_004.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at functional residual capacity. 5. TLC-RC Heart rate: 96 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t2_005.get Note: Measurement begins when lungs are at residual capacity. 6. Paradoxial Breathing Heart rate: 76 bpm Data file: vivo150905_t2_006.get Note: Subject is holding breath and transfering air across thorax by expanding the rib cage and then expanding the abdomen. This is repeated every 5 seconds for the duration of the sample. Measurement begins with abdomen expanded. % END OF EXPERIMENTLast Modified: $Date: 2017-02-28 13:12:08 -0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $