Authors: |
Wolf GK, Grychtol B, Thompson JE, Arnold JH
Date Submitted: | 14/07/2008
Date Recorded: | 28/04/2005
Description: |
EIT Recording of a child (25kg) with Acute Lung Injury on conventional ventilation. Recording includes suctioning maneuvers. Provided are: 30s reference measurement CHB_CONV05-ref.* and a 5min intervention measurement CHB_CONV05.* with the following interventions:
0% start measurement, conventional ventilation 10% saline instillation 11% ventilation continued 18% suction catheter inserted 23% suctioning, patient coughing 26% end of suctioning 40% saline instillation 52% suction catheter inserted 56% suctioning 59% end of suctioning 69% suction catheter inserted 71% suctioning 76% end of suctioning 100% end of measurement [percentage refers to total measurement time] Ventilator settigns: PIP 18 PEEP 7 MAP 12 RR 12 FIO2 60% Tidal volume 8.2ml/kgHeart rate (as measured during reference measurement, 30 min before intervention): 135 bpm
Data were published in: |
License: | Creative Commons Artistic License (with Attribution)
Attribution Requirement: |
Wolf GK, Grychtol B, Frerichs I, van Genderingen HR, Zurakowski D, Thompson JE, Arnold JH
Regional lung volume changes in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome during a derecruitment maneuver
Critical Care Medicine 35(8):1972-8, 2007.
Format: |
*.get, *.ipr, and *.prl files as generated by the GoeMF II device, with personal information removed.
Methods: |
Human torso. Single plane of 16 Electrodes numbered clockwise, with electrode #1 at the sternum. Contrary to the information in the *.prl file, the frame rate was set at 44Hz. There is no guarantee the remaining information in the *.prl file is correct.
Data: | Data (zip format)
Last Modified: $Date: 2017-02-28 13:12:08 -0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $