Contributed EIT Data:

Authors: T. Harake, A. Adler
Date: 2024
Brief Description: These data are a brief sample of breathing in a healthy human, measured using a Midas Medical Ventom device as part of system evaluation. The data represent a few tidal breaths as well as expiratory and inspiratory breath holds.
The data were measured on the same subject as the GREIT chest model given in this tutorial GREIT Reconstruction for an adult human thorax geometry
License: Creative Commons Artistic License
Attribution Requirement: Data are provided as-is. No attribution is formally required; however, users may acknowledge this tutorial. The subject explicitly consents to making these data public under these requirements.
Methods: A Midas Medical patient belt was attached to the seated subject and connected to the EIT system. The subject performed various breathing manoeuvres while data were collected.
Data: Data (EIT "VTM" format)
The data may be analyzed with the following code:
pth = 'EITData2024_10_31_08_43_09__S01.vtm';
[dd,auxdata,stim]= eidors_readdata(pth);
dd = dd(:,1:end-100);
fmdl = mk_library_model('adult_male_16el');
fmdl.stimulation = stim;
fmdl.frame_rate = auxdata.frame_rate;

imdl = select_imdl(fmdl, {'GREIT:NF=0.5 32x32'});
imgr = inv_solve(imdl, mean(dd,2),dd);
imgr.elem_data = subtract_rank(imgr.elem_data,0.95);
[ROIs,imgR] = define_ROIs(imdl,[-2,0,2],[2,0,-2],struct('normalize',0));
sig = -ROIs*imgr.elem_data;
lt = {'LineWidth',2};
plot(imgr.time,sig',lt{:}); box off; xlim tight;
vertlines(50 + [1,50]*.5);
imgr.get_img_data.frame_select = 500 + (1:50)*5;
imgr.calc_colours.ref_level = 0;
imgr.show_slices.img_cols = 17;
imgr.calc_colours.greylev =  .01;
imgr.calc_colours.backgnd =[1,1,1];


Reconstructions from data set. Left: Sample tidal ventilation image Right: Waveforms vs time (s), of the global (sum) signal, as well as pixel waveforms at vertical locations corresponding to a horizonal pixel #22. The variations in pulsatility as well as tidal excursions are seen.

Last Modified: $Date: 2024-12-29 11:22:06 -0500 (Sun, 29 Dec 2024) $