

CALC_NOISE_FIGURE: calculate the noise amplification (NF) of an algorithm


function [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)


 CALC_NOISE_FIGURE: calculate the noise amplification (NF) of an algorithm
 [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)
    inv_model  => inverse model object
    hp         => value of hyperparameter to use (if not spec
         then use the value of inv_model.hyperparameter.value)
    iterations => number of iterations (default 10)
       (for calculation of noise figure using random noise)
  NF = calculated NF. SE = standard error on NF

 hp is specified, it will be used for the hyperparameter.
    Otherwise the inv_model.hyperparameter will be used.

 Noise Figure must be defined for a specific measurement
 In order to specify data, use
   to use a temporal solver (or the Kalman filter), the
   measurement to perform the NF calc must also be specified,
   otherwise, the middle measurement will be used

 In order to automatically simulate data, specify tgt_elems,
   containing a vector of elements to use


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)
0002 % CALC_NOISE_FIGURE: calculate the noise amplification (NF) of an algorithm
0003 % [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)
0004 %    inv_model  => inverse model object
0005 %    hp         => value of hyperparameter to use (if not spec
0006 %         then use the value of inv_model.hyperparameter.value)
0007 %    iterations => number of iterations (default 10)
0008 %       (for calculation of noise figure using random noise)
0009 %  NF = calculated NF. SE = standard error on NF
0010 %
0011 % hp is specified, it will be used for the hyperparameter.
0012 %    Otherwise the inv_model.hyperparameter will be used.
0013 %
0014 % Noise Figure must be defined for a specific measurement
0015 % In order to specify data, use
0016 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t1
0017 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t2
0018 %   to use a temporal solver (or the Kalman filter), the
0019 %   measurement to perform the NF calc must also be specified,
0020 %   using:
0021 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_select
0022 %   otherwise, the middle measurement will be used
0023 %
0024 % In order to automatically simulate data, specify tgt_elems,
0025 %   containing a vector of elements to use
0026 %
0027 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_elems
0028 %
0030 % (C) 2005 Andy Adler. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
0031 % $Id: calc_noise_figure.html 2819 2011-09-07 16:43:11Z aadler $
0033 % A normal definition of noise power is based on power:
0034 %      NF = SNR_z / SNR_x
0035 %    SNR_z = sumsq(z0) / var(z) = sum(z0.^2) / trace(Rn)
0036 %    SNR_x = sumsq(x0) / var(x) = sum(x0.^2) / trace(ABRnB'A')
0037 % but his doesn't work, because the signal spreads like
0038 % the amplitude, not like the power, thus
0039 %      NF = SNR_z / SNR_x
0040 %    SNR_z = sum(|z0|/len_z) / std(z/len_z)
0041 %    SNR_x = sum(|x0|/len_x) / std(x/len_x)
0044 if nargin>=2
0045    inv_model.hyperparameter.value= hp;
0046 % Remove function parameter because it will recurse
0047    try; inv_model.hyperparameter = rmfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'func'); end
0048 end
0049 [inv_model, h_data, c_data] = process_parameters( inv_model );
0051 %NF= nf_calc_use_matrix( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0052 %NF= nf_calc_iterate( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0053 if nargin<3; iterations= 10; end
0054 [NF,SE]= nf_calc_random( inv_model, h_data, c_data, iterations);
0055 eidors_msg('calculating NF=%f', NF, 2);
0057 function [inv_model, h_data, c_data] = process_parameters( inv_model );
0059    if     isfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'tgt_elems')
0060       [h_data, c_data]= simulate_targets( inv_model.fwd_model, ...
0061            inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_elems);
0062    elseif isfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'tgt_data')
0063       tgt_data= inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data;
0064       h_data= tgt_data.meas_t1;
0065       c_data= tgt_data.meas_t2;
0066    else
0067       error('unsure how to get data to measure signal');
0068    end
0070    % if hp is specified, then use that value
0072    if isfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'func')
0073       funcname= inv_model.hyperparameter.func;
0074       if strcmp( class(funcname), 'function_handle')
0075          funcname= func2str(funcname);
0076       end
0078       if strcmp(funcname, 'choose_noise_figure')
0079          error('specifying inv_model.hp.func = choose_noise_figure will recurse');
0080       end
0081    end
0084 function NF= nf_calc_use_matrix( inv_model, h_data, c_data)
0085 % To model std(z) we use z=z0+n
0086 % so that std(z) = sqrt(var(z)) = sqrt(1/L * E[n'*n])
0087 % we know a priori that the mean noise is zero, thus
0088 % we do not need to divide by L-1 in the variance
0089 % E[n'*n] = E[ trace(n*n') ] = trace( cov_N )
0090 % Thus, std(z) = sqrt( trace( cov_N )/L )
0091 %              = sqrt( mean( diag( cov_N )))
0092 % And,  std(x) = sqrt( mean( diag( cov_X )))
0093 %
0094 % To model cov_N, we consider independant noise
0095 %  on each channel, cov_N= N*N', N=diag( sigma_i )
0096 % And,              cov_X= X*X', X=reconst(N)
0097 % where X= reconst(mdl, z0,z0+N)
0098 %
0099 % To run efficiently mean(diag(cov_N))=mean(sum(N.^2,2))
0100 % The sum over X is actually weighted by the volume of
0101 %  each element, so VOL.^2*(sum(X.^2,2)
0102    VOL = get_elem_volume(inv_model.fwd_model)';
0104    % calculate signal
0105    d_len   = size(h_data,1);
0106    delta   = 1e-2* mean(h_data);
0107    c_noise = c_data*ones(1,d_len) + eye(d_len);
0108    h_full  = h_data*ones(1,d_len);
0110    sig_data = mean(abs( ...
0111          calc_difference_data( h_data, c_data , inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0112                        ));
0113    var_data = mean(sum( ...
0114          calc_difference_data( h_full, c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0115                        .^2, 2)); 
0118    % calculate image
0119    % Note, this won't work if the algorithm output is not zero biased
0120    [img0, img0n] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_data, ...
0121                                h_full, c_noise);
0123    i_len = length(img0);
0124    sig_img= VOL*abs(img0) / i_len;;
0125    var_img= VOL.^2*sum(img0n.^2 ,2) / i_len;
0127    NF = ( sig_data/ sqrt(var_data) ) / ( sig_img / sqrt(var_img)  );
0129    % For the record, the expression for var_img is derived as:
0130    % Equiv expresssions for var_img % given: A= diag(pp.VOLUME);
0131    % var_img= trace(A*RM*diag(Rn.^2)*RM'*A');
0132    % vv=A*RM*diag(Rn);var_img=trace(vv*vv'); var_img= sum(sum(vv.^2));
0133    % var_img= VOL2* (RM*diag(Rn)).^2
0134    % var_img= VOL2* RM.^2 * Rn.^2
0137 % simulate homg data and a small target in centre
0138 function [h_data, c_data]= simulate_targets( fwd_model, ctr_elems)
0140    homg= 1; % homogeneous conductivity level is 1
0142    %Step 1: homogeneous image
0143    sigma= homg*ones( size(fwd_model.elems,1) ,1);
0145    img= eidors_obj('image', 'homogeneous image', ...
0146                    'elem_data', sigma, ...
0147                    'fwd_model', fwd_model );
0148    h_data=fwd_solve( img );
0149    h_data= h_data.meas;
0151    %Step 1: inhomogeneous image with contrast in centre
0152    delta = 1e-2;
0153    sigma(ctr_elems) = homg*(1 + delta);
0154    img.elem_data = sigma;
0155    c_data=fwd_solve( img );
0156    c_data= c_data.meas;
0158 function [img0, img0n] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_data, ...
0159                                h_full, c_noise);
0160    if isa(inv_model.solve,'function_handle')
0161       solve= func2str(inv_model.solve);
0162    else
0163       solve= inv_model.solve;
0164    end
0166 % Test for special functions and solve them specially
0167    switch solve
0168    case 'ab_tv_diff_solve'
0169       error('Dont know how to calculate TV noise figure')
0171    case 'inv_kalman_diff'
0172       inv_model.inv_kalman_diff.keep_K_k1= 1;
0173       stablize = 6;
0174       img0 = inv_solve( inv_model, h_data, ...
0175                                    c_data*ones(1,stablize) );
0176       K= img0.inv_kalman_diff.K_k1;
0177       img0.elem_data = K*calc_difference_data( h_data , c_data , inv_model.fwd_model);
0178       img0n.elem_data= K*calc_difference_data( h_full , c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model);
0180    otherwise
0181       img0 = inv_solve( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0182       if nargin>4
0183       img0n= inv_solve( inv_model, h_full, c_noise);
0184       end
0185    end
0187    % Need elem or nodal data
0188    if isfield(img0,'node_data');
0189       img0 = img0.node_data;
0190    else
0191       img0 = img0.elem_data;
0192    end
0194    if isfield(img0n,'node_data');
0195       img0n = img0n.node_data;
0196    else
0197       img0n = img0n.elem_data;
0198    end
0200 % OLD CODE - iterate
0201 function NF= nf_calc_iterate( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0202    VOL = get_elem_volume(inv_model.fwd_model)';
0204    % calculate signal
0205    d_len   = size(h_data,1);
0206    delta   = 1e-2* mean(h_data);
0207    sig_data = mean(abs( ...
0208          calc_difference_data( h_data, c_data , inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0209                        ));
0210    % calculate image
0211    % Note, this won't work if the algorithm output is not zero biased
0213    [img0] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0214 %  sig_img= mean(VOL'.*abs(img0.elem_data));
0215    sig_img= VOL*abs(img0) / length(img0);
0217    % Now do noise
0218    var_data= 0;
0219    var_img = 0;
0220    for i=1:d_len
0221       this_noise = -ones(d_len, size(c_data,2))/(d_len-1);
0222       this_noise(i,:) = 1;
0223       c_noise = c_data + this_noise;
0224       [imgn] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_noise);
0225       if 1
0226          var_data = var_data + mean(sum( ...
0227             calc_difference_data( h_data, c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0228                           .^2, 2)); 
0229 %        var_img= var_img +  mean( (VOL'.*imgn.elem_data).^2 );
0230          var_img= var_img +  (VOL.^2)*sum(imgn.elem_data.^2,2 ) / length(imgn.elem_data); 
0231       else
0232          % OLD APPROACH BASED ON variance, rather than matrix calcs
0233          var_data = var_data + var( ...
0234             calc_difference_data( h_data, c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0235                                  ); 
0236          var_img= var_img + var( VOL'.*imgn.elem_data ); 
0237       end
0238    end
0239    var_data = var_data / d_len;
0240    var_img  = var_img  / d_len;
0241    NF = ( sig_data/ sqrt(var_data) ) / ( sig_img / sqrt(var_img)  );
0243 function [NF,SE]= nf_calc_random( rec, vh, vi, N_RUNS);
0244    eidors_cache('boost_priority',-2); % low priority values
0246    imgr= inv_solve(rec, vh, vi);
0248    if isfield(imgr,'node_data');
0249       img0 = imgr.node_data;
0250       VOL = get_elem_volume(rec.fwd_model, 1);
0251    else
0252       img0 = imgr.elem_data;
0253       VOL = get_elem_volume(rec.fwd_model, 0);
0254    end
0256    sig_ampl = mean( abs( VOL .* img0 )) / ...
0257               mean( abs( calc_difference_data( vh, vi, rec.fwd_model )));
0259 % Estimate Signal Amplitude
0260    for i=1:N_RUNS
0261       vn= addnoise(vh, vi, 1.0);
0263       imgr= inv_solve(rec, vh, vn);
0265       if isfield(imgr,'node_data'); img0 = imgr.node_data;
0266       else;                         img0 = imgr.elem_data;
0267       end
0269       noi_imag(i) = std( VOL .* img0 );
0270       noi_sgnl(i) = std( calc_difference_data( vh, vn, rec.fwd_model ));
0271    end
0273    noi_ampl = noi_imag./noi_sgnl;
0274    NF =  mean(noi_ampl/sig_ampl);
0275    SE =  std(noi_ampl/sig_ampl)/sqrt(N_RUNS);
0276    eidors_msg('NF= %f+/-%f', NF, SE, 1);
0278    eidors_cache('boost_priority',2);
0280    function noise= addnoise( vh, vi, SNR);
0281       if isstruct(vh); vh= vh.meas; end
0282       if isstruct(vi); vi= vi.meas; end
0283       noise = randn(size(vh));
0284       noise = noise*std(vh-vi)/std(noise);
0285       noise = vh + SNR*noise;

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