

AA_E_MOVE_IMAGE_PRIOR calculate image prior


function Reg= aa_e_move_image_prior( inv_model );


 AA_E_MOVE_IMAGE_PRIOR calculate image prior
 Reg= aa_e_move_image_prior( inv_model )
 Reg        => output regularization term
 inv_model  => inverse model struct
   inv_model.image_prior.parameters(1) -> relative weighting
     of movement vs image fraction of hyperparameter
     => Default = 100
   inv_model.aa_e_move_image_prior.RegC.func = Cond Reg fcn
   inv_model.aa_e_move_image_prior.RegM.func = Move Reg fcn
   either @laplace_movement_image_prior OR @tikhonov_movement_image_prior

 For image portion, we use a Laplace prior, as 
 -1 for each adjacent element, and 3 (in 2D) or 4 (in 3D)
 for the element itself

 For the movmenent portion, we define a smoothness
 constraint, such that Rij = -1 for adjacent electrodes

 If used with a dual model (ie coarse2fine mapping), ensure
    imdl.prior_use_fwd_not_rec = 1;


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function Reg= aa_e_move_image_prior( inv_model );
0002 % AA_E_MOVE_IMAGE_PRIOR calculate image prior
0003 % Reg= aa_e_move_image_prior( inv_model )
0004 % Reg        => output regularization term
0005 % inv_model  => inverse model struct
0006 % Parameters:
0007 %   inv_model.image_prior.parameters(1) -> relative weighting
0008 %     of movement vs image fraction of hyperparameter
0009 %     => Default = 100
0010 %   inv_model.aa_e_move_image_prior.RegC.func = Cond Reg fcn
0011 %   inv_model.aa_e_move_image_prior.RegM.func = Move Reg fcn
0012 %   either @laplace_movement_image_prior OR @tikhonov_movement_image_prior
0013 %
0014 % For image portion, we use a Laplace prior, as
0015 % -1 for each adjacent element, and 3 (in 2D) or 4 (in 3D)
0016 % for the element itself
0017 %
0018 % For the movmenent portion, we define a smoothness
0019 % constraint, such that Rij = -1 for adjacent electrodes
0020 %
0021 % If used with a dual model (ie coarse2fine mapping), ensure
0022 %    imdl.prior_use_fwd_not_rec = 1;
0024 % (C) 2005 Andy Adler. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
0025 % $Id: aa_e_move_image_prior.m 3284 2012-07-01 10:04:17Z aadler $
0027 % relative strengths of conductivity and movement priors
0028 warning('EIDORS:deprecated','AA_E_MOVE_IMAGE_PRIOR is deprecated as of 07-Jun-2012. Use PRIOR_MOVEMENT instead.');
0030 if isfield(inv_model,'aa_e_move_image_prior');
0031   inv_model.prior_movement = inv_model.aa_e_move_image_prior;
0032 end
0034 Reg = prior_movement( inv_model);

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