

AA_FWD_PARAMETERS: data= aa_fwd_solve( fwd_model, image)


function param = aa_fwd_parameters( fwd_model )


 AA_FWD_PARAMETERS: data= aa_fwd_solve( fwd_model, image)
 Extract parameters from a 'fwd_model' struct which are
 appropriate for Andy Adler's EIT code
   param.n_elem     => number of elements
   param.n_elec     => number of electrodes
   param.n_node     => number of nodes (vertices)
   param.n_stim     => number of current stimulation patterns
   param.n_elec     => number of electrodes
   param.n_dims     => dimentions (2= 2D, 3=3D)
   param.n_meas     => number of measurements (total)
   param.boundary   => FEM boundary
   param.NODE       => vertex matrix
   param.ELEM       => connection matrix
   param.QQ         => Current into each NODE
   param.VOLUME     => Volume (or area) of each element
   param.normalize  => difference measurements normalized?
   param.N2E        => Node to electrode converter

 If the stimulation patterns has a 'interior_sources' field,
   the node current QQ, is set to this value for this stimulation.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function param = aa_fwd_parameters( fwd_model )
0002 % AA_FWD_PARAMETERS: data= aa_fwd_solve( fwd_model, image)
0003 % Extract parameters from a 'fwd_model' struct which are
0004 % appropriate for Andy Adler's EIT code
0005 %   param.n_elem     => number of elements
0006 %   param.n_elec     => number of electrodes
0007 %   param.n_node     => number of nodes (vertices)
0008 %   param.n_stim     => number of current stimulation patterns
0009 %   param.n_elec     => number of electrodes
0010 %   param.n_dims     => dimentions (2= 2D, 3=3D)
0011 %   param.n_meas     => number of measurements (total)
0012 %   param.boundary   => FEM boundary
0013 %   param.NODE       => vertex matrix
0014 %   param.ELEM       => connection matrix
0015 %   param.QQ         => Current into each NODE
0016 %   param.VOLUME     => Volume (or area) of each element
0017 %   param.normalize  => difference measurements normalized?
0018 %   param.N2E        => Node to electrode converter
0019 %
0020 % If the stimulation patterns has a 'interior_sources' field,
0021 %   the node current QQ, is set to this value for this stimulation.
0023 % (C) 2005 Andy Adler. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
0024 % $Id: aa_fwd_parameters.m 3056 2012-06-06 16:12:42Z aadler $
0026 warning('EIDORS:deprecated','AA_FWD_PARAMETERS is deprecated as of 06-Jun-2012. Use FWD_MODEL_PARAMETERS instead.');
0028 param = fwd_model_parameters( fwd_model );

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