

BACKPROJ_SOLVE inverse solver using backprojection


function img= backproj_solve( varargin)


 BACKPROJ_SOLVE inverse solver using backprojection
 NOTE: This is the beginnings of an attempt to reproduce
  the backprojection algorithm implemented in the
  Sheffield MKI EIT system. It is far from complete.

 If you wish to use the actual algorithm, use the
  function "mk_common_gridmdl('backproj')"

 img= backproj_solve( inv_model, data1, data2)
 img        => output image (or vector of images)
 inv_model  => inverse model struct
 data1      => differential data at earlier time
 data2      => differential data at later time

 inv_model.backproj_solve.type = 'naive' (DEFAULT)
    use naive (unfiltered algorithm)
 inv_model.backproj_solve.type = 'filtered' (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
    ref: Barber DC Brown BH, "fast reconstruction of resistance
         images", clin Phys Physiol Mes, pp 47-54, vol 8,sup A,1987

 both data1 and data2 may be matrices (MxT) each of
  M measurements at T times
 if either data1 or data2 is a vector, then it is expanded
  to be the same size matrix


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function img= backproj_solve( varargin)
0002 % BACKPROJ_SOLVE inverse solver using backprojection
0003 % NOTE: This is the beginnings of an attempt to reproduce
0004 %  the backprojection algorithm implemented in the
0005 %  Sheffield MKI EIT system. It is far from complete.
0006 %
0007 % If you wish to use the actual algorithm, use the
0008 %  function "mk_common_gridmdl('backproj')"
0009 %
0010 % img= backproj_solve( inv_model, data1, data2)
0011 % img        => output image (or vector of images)
0012 % inv_model  => inverse model struct
0013 % data1      => differential data at earlier time
0014 % data2      => differential data at later time
0015 %
0016 % inv_model.backproj_solve.type = 'naive' (DEFAULT)
0017 %    use naive (unfiltered algorithm)
0018 % inv_model.backproj_solve.type = 'filtered' (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
0019 %    ref: Barber DC Brown BH, "fast reconstruction of resistance
0020 %         images", clin Phys Physiol Mes, pp 47-54, vol 8,sup A,1987
0021 %
0022 % both data1 and data2 may be matrices (MxT) each of
0023 %  M measurements at T times
0024 % if either data1 or data2 is a vector, then it is expanded
0025 %  to be the same size matrix
0027 % (C) 2007 Andy Adler. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
0028 % $Id: backproj_solve.m 3103 2012-06-08 14:42:16Z bgrychtol $
0030 warning('EIDORS:deprecated','BACKPROJ_SOLVE is deprecated as of 08-Jun-2012. Use INV_SOLVE_BACKPROJ instead.');
0032 img = inv_solve_backproj(varargin{:});

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