

function [E,D,Ela,pp] = fem_master_full(vtx,simp,mat,gnd_ind,elec,zc,perm_sym);


function [E,D,Ela,pp] = fem_master_full(vtx,simp,mat,gnd_ind,elec,zc,perm_sym);


function [E,D,Ela,pp] = fem_master_full(vtx,simp,mat,gnd_ind,elec,zc,perm_sym);

Builds up the system matrix based on the complete electrode model. E is not 
yet permuted. To permute E -> E(pp,pp) as in forward_solver.

E       = The full rank system matrix based on the 3D complete electrode model
D       = The sgradients of the shape functions over each element.
Ela     = Normalised volums of the elements
pp      = Column permutation vector, for more help type help symmmd 
vtx     = The vertices matrix
simp    = The simplices matrix
mat     = The conductivity vector
gnd_ind = The index of the ground node
elec    = The bounary electrodes matrix
zc      = The contact impedance vector, satisfying size(elec,1) = length(zc)
perm_sym= Column permutation of E, either '{y}' to opt or '{n}' to avoid.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [E,D,Ela,pp] = fem_master_full(vtx,simp,mat,gnd_ind,elec,zc,perm_sym);
0002 %function [E,D,Ela,pp] = fem_master_full(vtx,simp,mat,gnd_ind,elec,zc,perm_sym);
0003 %
0004 %Builds up the system matrix based on the complete electrode model. E is not
0005 %yet permuted. To permute E -> E(pp,pp) as in forward_solver.
0006 %
0007 %
0008 %
0009 %E       = The full rank system matrix based on the 3D complete electrode model
0010 %D       = The sgradients of the shape functions over each element.
0011 %Ela     = Normalised volums of the elements
0012 %pp      = Column permutation vector, for more help type help symmmd
0013 %vtx     = The vertices matrix
0014 %simp    = The simplices matrix
0015 %mat     = The conductivity vector
0016 %gnd_ind = The index of the ground node
0017 %elec    = The bounary electrodes matrix
0018 %zc      = The contact impedance vector, satisfying size(elec,1) = length(zc)
0019 %perm_sym= Column permutation of E, either '{y}' to opt or '{n}' to avoid.
0020 warning('EIDORS:deprecated','FEM_MASTER_FULL is deprecated as of 07-Jun-2012. ');
0022    [Ef,D,Ela] = bld_master_full(vtx,simp,mat,elec,zc); 
0024    [E] = ref_master(Ef,vtx,gnd_ind);  
0026 % use symmmd in old matlab (pre v7)
0027 ver= eidors_obj('interpreter_version');
0028 if ~ver.isoctave && ver.ver<7.0
0029     pp = symmmd(E);
0030 else
0031     pp = symamd(E);
0032 end
0036 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0037 % This is part of the EIDORS suite.
0038 % Copyright (c) N. Polydorides 2003
0039 % Copying permitted under terms of GNU GPL
0040 % See enclosed file gpl.html for details.
0041 % EIDORS 3D version 2.0
0042 % MATLAB version 5.3 R11
0043 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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