

CHECK_C2F_QUALITY Check the coarse2fine mapping between two models


function [ f_frac, c_frac ] = check_c2f_quality( f_mdl, c_mdl, c2f )


CHECK_C2F_QUALITY Check the coarse2fine mapping between two models
   CHECK_C2F_QUALITY(F_MDL, C_MDL, C2F) creates a plot for assessing the
   quality of a coars2fine mapping.
   A coarse2fine mapping matrix C2F between a fine model F_MDL and a 
   coarse model C_MDL contains in each element C2F(i,j) the fraction of 
   F_MDL element i contained in C_MDL element j. CHECK_C2F_QUALITY 
   calculates the fraction of the volume of each element of both models
   that is covered by the C2F mapping. Ideally, the result is always 1,
   other than in places where models don't overlap.

   [ f_frac, c_frac ] = CHECK_C2F_QUALITY(...) returns the calculated
   volumes for further analysis.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [ f_frac, c_frac ] = check_c2f_quality( f_mdl, c_mdl, c2f )
0002 %CHECK_C2F_QUALITY Check the coarse2fine mapping between two models
0003 %   CHECK_C2F_QUALITY(F_MDL, C_MDL, C2F) creates a plot for assessing the
0004 %   quality of a coars2fine mapping.
0005 %   A coarse2fine mapping matrix C2F between a fine model F_MDL and a
0006 %   coarse model C_MDL contains in each element C2F(i,j) the fraction of
0007 %   F_MDL element i contained in C_MDL element j. CHECK_C2F_QUALITY
0008 %   calculates the fraction of the volume of each element of both models
0009 %   that is covered by the C2F mapping. Ideally, the result is always 1,
0010 %   other than in places where models don't overlap.
0011 %
0012 %   [ f_frac, c_frac ] = CHECK_C2F_QUALITY(...) returns the calculated
0013 %   volumes for further analysis.
0015 % (C) 2017 Bartlomiej Grychtol
0016 % License: GPL version 2 or 3
0017 % $Id: check_c2f_quality.m 5802 2018-06-01 19:39:08Z bgrychtol $
0019 c_vol = get_elem_volume(c_mdl, -2);
0020 f_vol = get_elem_volume(f_mdl, -2);
0022 % C2F(i,j) is the fraction of f_mdl element i contained in c_mdl element j
0024 % Fraction of f_mdl covered by c2f:
0025 f_frac = full(sum(c2f,2));
0026 f_img = mk_image(f_mdl, f_frac);
0028 % Fraction of c_mdl elements covered by c2f
0029 c_frac = (c2f'*f_vol) ./ c_vol;
0030 c_img = mk_image(c_mdl, c_frac);
0032 subplot(221)
0033 show_fem(f_img)
0034 title('Fine model coverage')
0035 % hold on
0036 % h = show_fem(c_mdl);
0037 % set(h,'EdgeColor','b')
0038 eidors_colourbar(f_img);
0039 hold off
0041 subplot(222)
0042 hist(f_frac,1000);
0043 title('Fine model coverage')
0045 subplot(223)
0046 show_fem(c_img)
0047 % hold on
0048 % h = show_fem(f_mdl);
0049 % set(h,'EdgeColor','b')
0050 eidors_colourbar(c_img);
0051 hold off
0052 title('Coarse model coverage')
0055 subplot(224)
0056 hist(c_frac,1000);
0057 title('Coarse model coverage');
0058 end

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