
EIDORS: Electrical Impedance Tomography and Diffuse Optical Tomography Reconstruction Software

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GREIT Reconstruction in 3D

Code for Reconstruction using GREIT in 3D was recently added. If you have EIDORS v3.9, you will need the following two files: For 3D distributions, using GREIT 3D is much better, even if you only want a single slice. See, for example
Grychtol et al, Focusing EIT reconstructions using two electrode planes p. 17 Conf. EIT 2017, Dartmouth, NH, USA, June 21−24, 2017.
This code is also very slow to calculate. The actual reconstruction is fast. There are numerous improvements possible, and they're being worked on.

Model of a tank with an object moving vertically

%STEP 1: Simple model with vertical targets
posns= linspace(0.5,3.5,13);
str=''; for i=1:length(posns);
   extra{i} = sprintf('ball%03d',round(posns(i)*100));
   str = [str,sprintf('solid %s=sphere(0.5,0,%f;0.1); ', extra{i}, posns(i))];
extra{i+1} = str;
fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models([4,1,.2],[16,1.5,2.5],[0.05],extra); 
fmdl = mdl_normalize(fmdl, 0);
[~,fmdl] = elec_rearrange([16,2],'square', fmdl);

img= mk_image(fmdl,1);
img.elem_data(vertcat(fmdl.mat_idx{2:end}))= 2;
opt.viewpoint = struct('az',0,'el',10);

print_convert GREIT3D_tank01a.jpg

Figure: Simulation cylindrical tank with objects in a vertical plane

Simulate data from tank

% STEP 2: Simulate data
[fmdl.stimulation,fmdl.meas_select] = mk_stim_patterns(32,1,[0,5],[0,5],{},1);
img= mk_image(fmdl,1);
vh = fwd_solve(img);
for i=1:length(posns)-4;
   img= mk_image(fmdl,1);
   img.elem_data(fmdl.mat_idx{i+1}) = 2;
   vi{i} = fwd_solve(img);

Create reconstruction model

A new model to ensure we don't commit an inverse crime. Note that we use the "square" electrode configuration with a "skip 4" stimulation and measurement pattern.
% STEP 3: Reconstruction model 
fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models([4,1,.5],[16,1.5,2.5],[0.05]);
[fmdl.stimulation,fmdl.meas_select] = mk_stim_patterns(32,1,[0,5],[0,5],{},1);
fmdl = mdl_normalize(fmdl, 0);
[~,fmdl] = elec_rearrange([16,2],'square', fmdl);


Here we build a 2D GREIT reconstruction, using training targets only in the centre plane.
% STEP 4: Reconstruction using GREIT 2D
   opt.imgsz = [32 32];
   opt.square_pixels = true;
   opt.noise_figure = 0.5;
   img = mk_image(fmdl,1);
   imdl2 = mk_GREIT_model(img, 0.25, [], opt);

And reconstruct the first 9 targets, from the bottom
img = inv_solve(imdl2,vh,[vi{:}]);
img.show_slices.img_cols= 9;

print_convert GREIT3D_tank05a.jpg

Figure: Reconstruction of 9 targets moving from the bottom of the tank using a 2D GREIT version


Here we build a 3D GREIT reconstruction, using training targets only in all planes
% STEP 4: Reconstruction using GREIT 3D
   vopt.imgsz = [32 32];
   vopt.zvec = linspace( 0.75,3.25,6);
   vopt.save_memory = 1;
   opt.noise_figure = 2.0;
   [imdl,opt.distr] = GREIT3D_distribution(fmdl, vopt);
   imdl3= mk_GREIT_model(imdl, 0.20, [], opt);

And reconstruct the first 9 targets, from the bottom
img = inv_solve(imdl3,vh,[vi{:}]);

img.show_slices.img_cols= 9;
levels = [inf,inf,1.5;

print_convert GREIT3D_tank07a.jpg

img.elem_data = img.elem_data(:,4); % choose 4th image
print_convert GREIT3D_tank07b.jpg

show_3d_slices(img,[1.5,2],0,0); view(-16,18);
print_convert GREIT3D_tank07c.jpg

Figure: Left Reconstruction of 9 targets moving from the bottom of the tank using a 3D GREIT version, in two planes. The 4th image is then shown as a volume (Centre) or through cut-planes (Right)

GREIT 3D − 2D slices

In many cases, what is wanted are reconstructions to a slices of the volume, but using the GREIT 3D approach. This is what the solve_RM_2Dslice functions does.
imdl3a= select_RM_slice(imdl3,1.5);

The single-plane reconstruction matrix is then attached to imdl3a.solve_use_matrix.RM.
img = inv_solve(imdl3a,vh,[vi{:}]);
img.show_slices.img_cols= 9;

print_convert GREIT3D_tank09a.jpg

Figure: Reconstruction of 9 targets moving from the bottom of the tank using a slice at z=1.5 of the 3D GREIT version

Last Modified: $Date: 2018-03-28 15:01:38 -0400 (Wed, 28 Mar 2018) $ by $Author: aadler $