

CALC_VOXELS Calculate volumetric data from an image


function [V, rimg] = calc_voxels(img, opt, level)


CALC_VOXELS Calculate volumetric data from an image
 V = CALC_VOXELS(IMG) calculates volumetric representation of the image 
 IMG using a 3D grid with a maximum dimension of 32. V is a 3-D or 4-D
 matrix with dimensions Y x X x Z x N, where N is the number of frames in
 the image data (time), and X, Y, Z refer to the axes of the image node 

 V = CALC_VOXELS(IMG, OPT) allows specifying an options struct:
   OPT.method  - specifies the method of determining value in each voxel:
                   'centre'  - the value at its centre (default)
                   'average' - the average value (expensive)
                 The average method can only be used for images with
                 values specified on elements (elem_data). It produces
                 smoother images that simulate the partial volume effect 
                 and look better at lower resolution than the 'centre' 
   OPT.imgsz   - specifies the target grid size (default [32 32 32]). 
                 See DEFINE_VOXELS for details, alternatives and 
                 additional options.
                 voxels supported by DEFINE_VOXELS can also be used.
   OPT.save_memory - only useful if method is 'average', reduces memory
                 consumption, at the expense of time. See MK_GRID_C2F.
                 All other options of MK_GRID_C2F may also be specified.
 NOTE: The OPT struct is passed in its entirety to both DEFINE_VOXELS and 
 V = CALC_VOXELS(IMG, OPT, LEVEL) specifies the orientaion of the XY plane
 of the voxel grid. Any definition of a single slice accepted by
 LEVEL_MODEL_SLICE can be used. OPT can be an empty struct. 

 [V, RIMG] = CALC_VOXELS(_) also returns a grid-based image as produced
 by MK_GRID_MODEL, suitable for use with SHOW_FEM.

 CALC_VOXELS supports parametrization through DATA_MAPPER.

  fmdl = ng_mk_ellip_models([1,1.5,0.8,0.1],[],[]);
  fmdl.nodes(:,3) = fmdl.nodes(:,3) - .25;
  fmdl = fix_model(fmdl, struct('elem_centre',true));
  img = mk_image(fmdl, prod(fmdl.elem_centre,2));
  [V, rimg] = calc_voxels(img);
  subplot(221), show_fem(img)
  subplot(222), show_fem(rimg);
  subplot(223), show_slices(rimg,3);
  subplot(224), show_slices(V);



This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [V, rimg] = calc_voxels(img, opt, level)
0002 %CALC_VOXELS Calculate volumetric data from an image
0003 % V = CALC_VOXELS(IMG) calculates volumetric representation of the image
0004 % IMG using a 3D grid with a maximum dimension of 32. V is a 3-D or 4-D
0005 % matrix with dimensions Y x X x Z x N, where N is the number of frames in
0006 % the image data (time), and X, Y, Z refer to the axes of the image node
0007 % space.
0008 %
0009 % V = CALC_VOXELS(IMG, OPT) allows specifying an options struct:
0010 %   OPT.method  - specifies the method of determining value in each voxel:
0011 %                   'centre'  - the value at its centre (default)
0012 %                   'average' - the average value (expensive)
0013 %                 The average method can only be used for images with
0014 %                 values specified on elements (elem_data). It produces
0015 %                 smoother images that simulate the partial volume effect
0016 %                 and look better at lower resolution than the 'centre'
0017 %                 method.
0018 %   OPT.imgsz   - specifies the target grid size (default [32 32 32]).
0019 %                 See DEFINE_VOXELS for details, alternatives and
0020 %                 additional options.
0021 %                 voxels supported by DEFINE_VOXELS can also be used.
0022 %   OPT.save_memory - only useful if method is 'average', reduces memory
0023 %                 consumption, at the expense of time. See MK_GRID_C2F.
0024 %                 All other options of MK_GRID_C2F may also be specified.
0025 % NOTE: The OPT struct is passed in its entirety to both DEFINE_VOXELS and
0026 %        MK_GRID_C2F.
0027 %
0028 % V = CALC_VOXELS(IMG, OPT, LEVEL) specifies the orientaion of the XY plane
0029 % of the voxel grid. Any definition of a single slice accepted by
0030 % LEVEL_MODEL_SLICE can be used. OPT can be an empty struct.
0031 %
0032 % [V, RIMG] = CALC_VOXELS(_) also returns a grid-based image as produced
0033 % by MK_GRID_MODEL, suitable for use with SHOW_FEM.
0034 %
0035 % CALC_VOXELS supports parametrization through DATA_MAPPER.
0036 %
0037 % Example:
0038 %  fmdl = ng_mk_ellip_models([1,1.5,0.8,0.1],[],[]);
0039 %  fmdl.nodes(:,3) = fmdl.nodes(:,3) - .25;
0040 %  fmdl = fix_model(fmdl, struct('elem_centre',true));
0041 %  img = mk_image(fmdl, prod(fmdl.elem_centre,2));
0042 %  [V, rimg] = calc_voxels(img);
0043 %  subplot(221), show_fem(img)
0044 %  subplot(222), show_fem(rimg);
0045 %  subplot(223), show_slices(rimg,3);
0046 %  subplot(224), show_slices(V);
0047 %
0051 % (C) 2024 Bartlomiej Grychtol
0052 % License: GPL version 2 or 3
0053 % $Id: calc_voxels.m 7094 2024-12-20 23:05:22Z bgrychtol $
0055 if ischar(img) && strcmp(img, 'UNIT_TEST'), do_unit_test; return, end
0057 if nargin < 2
0058     opt = struct();
0059 end
0061 if ~isfield(opt, 'method')
0062     opt.method = 'centre';
0063 end
0065 img = data_mapper(img); % support parametrization
0067 do_rimg = false;
0069 switch opt.method
0070     case 'centre'
0071         do_c2f = false;
0072     case 'average'
0073         do_rimg = true;
0074         do_c2f = true;
0075     otherwise
0076         error('EIDORS:WrongInput', 'Method must be centre or average.');
0077 end
0079 if isfield(img, 'node_data') && strcmp(opt.method, 'average')
0080     error('Only the centre method can be used with node data.');
0081 end
0083 if nargout > 1
0084     do_rimg = true;
0085 end
0087 if nargin > 2
0088     img.fwd_model = level_model_slice(img.fwd_model, level);
0089 end
0091 [~, ~, ~, opt] = define_voxels(img.fwd_model, opt);
0093 if do_c2f % method 'average'
0094     rmdl = mk_grid_model([],opt.xvec,opt.yvec,opt.zvec);
0095     c2f = mk_grid_c2f(img.fwd_model, rmdl, opt);
0096     fvol = get_elem_volume(img.fwd_model,'no_c2f');
0097     % need bsxfun because of octave, and it's super slow
0098     f2c = bsxfun(@times, c2f, fvol)';
0099     %f2c = f2c ./ sum(f2c,2); % MATLAB:array:SizeLimitExceeded
0100     f2c = spdiag(1./sum(f2c,2)) * f2c;
0101     rimg = mk_image(rmdl,f2c*img.elem_data);
0102     V = calc_grid_points(rimg, opt.x_pts, opt.y_pts, opt.z_pts);
0103 else % method 'centre'
0104     V = calc_grid_points(img, opt.x_pts, opt.y_pts, opt.z_pts);
0105     if do_rimg
0106         rmdl = mk_grid_model([],opt.xvec,opt.yvec,opt.zvec);
0107         num_elems = size(rmdl.coarse2fine,2);
0108         rimg = mk_image(rmdl, reshape(V,num_elems,[]));
0109     end
0110 end
0112 V = permute(V, [2 1 3 4]);
0114 function do_unit_test
0115 do_cases
0116 do_example
0118 function do_cases
0120 imdl= mk_common_model('n3r2',[16,2]);
0121 fmdl = imdl.fwd_model;
0123 obj01 = [390,391,393,396,402,478,479,480,484,486, ...
0124          664,665,666,667,668,670,671,672,676,677, ...
0125          678,755,760,761];
0126 obj02 = [318,319,321,324,330,439,440,441,445,447, ...
0127          592,593,594,595,596,598,599,600,604,605, ...
0128          606,716,721,722];
0130 test = 1;
0131 while 1
0132     img = mk_image(fmdl, 1);
0133     opt = struct;
0134     error_expected = false;
0135     switch test
0136         case 1
0137             opt.imgsz = [32 32 32];
0138             opt.cube_voxels = 1;
0139             img.elem_data(obj01) = 1.15;
0140             img.elem_data(obj02) = 0.8;
0141             expect_out =  [22 22 32];
0142         case 2
0143             opt.imgsz = [32 32 32];
0144             opt.cube_voxels = 1;
0145             img.elem_data(:,2) = img.elem_data;
0146             img.elem_data(obj01,1) = 1.15;
0147             img.elem_data(obj02,2) = 0.8;
0148             expect_out =  [22 22 32 2];
0149         case 3
0150             opt.imgsz = [32 32 32];
0151             opt.cube_voxels = 1;
0152             img.elem_data(:,2) = img.elem_data;
0153             img.elem_data(obj01,1) = 1.15;
0154             img.elem_data(obj02,2) = 0.8;
0155             opt.method = 'average';
0156             expect_out =  [22 22 32 2];
0157         case 4
0158             opt.imgsz = [32 32 32];
0159             opt.cube_voxels = 1;
0160             img = mk_image(fmdl, 1:num_nodes(fmdl));
0161             expect_out =  [22 22 32];
0162         case 5
0163             opt.imgsz = [32 32 32];
0164             opt.cube_voxels = 1;
0165             img = mk_image(fmdl, 1:num_nodes(fmdl));
0166             opt.method = 'average';
0167             error_expected = true;
0168         case 6 % empty options
0169             img.elem_data(obj01) = 1.15;
0170             img.elem_data(obj02) = 0.8;
0171             expect_out =  [22 22 32];
0172         otherwise
0173             break
0174     end
0175     test_txt = sprintf('calc_voxels T#%2d:', test);
0176     try
0177         [V, rimg] = calc_voxels(img, opt);
0178         unit_test_cmp(test_txt, size(V), expect_out);
0179 %       fprintf('Test #%2d: %s\n', test, mat2str(size(V)));
0180     catch e
0181         if error_expected
0182             unit_test_cmp([test_txt, ' expected error'], error_expected,true);
0183         else
0184             fprintf('Test #%2d: error\n', test);
0185         end
0186     end
0188     show_test(img, V, rimg)
0189     test = test + 1;
0190 end
0193 function show_test(img, V, rimg)
0194 s = warning('query','EIDORS:FirstImageOnly');
0195 warning('off','EIDORS:FirstImageOnly');
0196 try
0197     clf
0198     subplot(131)
0199     show_fem(img)
0200     subplot(132)
0201     show_fem(rimg)
0202     subplot(133)
0203     show_slices(V)
0204 catch e
0205     warning(s, 'EIDORS:FirstImageOnly');
0206     rethrow(e)
0207 end
0209 function do_example
0210  fmdl = ng_mk_ellip_models([1,1.5,0.8,0.1],[],[]);
0211  fmdl.nodes(:,3) = fmdl.nodes(:,3) - .25;
0212  fmdl = fix_model(fmdl, struct('elem_centre',true));
0213  img = mk_image(fmdl, prod(fmdl.elem_centre,2));
0214  [V, rimg] = calc_voxels(img);
0215  subplot(221), show_fem(img)
0216  subplot(222), show_fem(rimg);
0217  subplot(223), show_slices(rimg,3);
0218  subplot(224), show_slices(V);

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