
EIDORS: Electrical Impedance Tomography and Diffuse Optical Tomography Reconstruction Software

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Dual Models using a rectangular mesh of a volume slice

If we wish to reconstruct a slice of a volume onto a rectangular mesh, that can be done using the following dual model scheme. A common use of dual models is to allow the forward model to represent the entire space, while the reconstruction model represents a slice through the volume at the place of interest.

Rectangular mesh represented as a triangular FEM

The rectangular mesh is represented as a triangular FEM where each square pixel includes two triangular elements. The model is parametrized such that both elements in each pixel have the same parameter

% Make square mesh $Id: square_mesh01.m 2663 2011-07-12 18:40:31Z aadler $

% Create square mesh model
imdl= mk_common_model('c2s',16);
s_mdl= rmfield(imdl.fwd_model,{'electrode','stimulation'});

% assign one parameter to each square
e= size(s_mdl.elems,1);
params= ceil(( 1:e )/2);
s_mdl.coarse2fine = sparse(1:e,params,1,e,max(params));


% Show parameter numbers
   numeros= reshape(sprintf('%3d',params),3,e)';
   text(xc,yc,numeros,'FontSize',7, ...

print_convert square_mesh01a.png '-density 75'

Figure: 32×32 rectangular mesh representing a square pixels in the space. The parameterization is chosen so the parameter is the same for both elements in each pixel.

Dual mesh correspondance

First, we select the vertical extent of the coarse mesh (zdepth=0.1). This can be shown as follows:

% Mesh Correspondance $Id: square_mesh02.m 1535 2008-07-26 15:36:27Z aadler $

% Create grid based on mesh points
nn= 16; nl= 1:nn+1;
h0pts= s_mdl.nodes([nl,(nl-1)*(nn+1)+1],:);
h1pts= s_mdl.nodes([nl + nn*(nn+1),nl*(nn+1)],:);

z_depth= .1*ones(2*(nn+1),1);;
% Add the third dimension
v00pts= [h0pts, -z_depth]; v01pts= [h0pts, +z_depth];
v10pts= [h1pts, -z_depth]; v11pts= [h1pts, +z_depth];

xpts= [v00pts(:,1),v01pts(:,1),v11pts(:,1),v10pts(:,1),v00pts(:,1)]';
ypts= [v00pts(:,2),v01pts(:,2),v11pts(:,2),v10pts(:,2),v00pts(:,2)]';
zpts= [v00pts(:,3),v01pts(:,3),v11pts(:,3),v10pts(:,3),v00pts(:,3)]';

view(-47,28); axis square

Next, we show the coarse and fine models and their relationship.
% Dual models $Id: square_mesh03.m 2663 2011-07-12 18:40:31Z aadler $

f_mdl = mk_library_model('cylinder_16x1el_coarse');

show_fem(f_mdl);  % fine model
crop_model(gca, inline('x-z<-8','x','y','z'))

% Map coarse model geometry
hold on
hold off

view(-47,28); axis square

print_convert square_mesh03a.png '-density 100'

Figure: Left coarse model with zdepth=0.1 Right correspondence between coarse and fine model.

Simulation Data

We simulate a ball moving in a helical path on a fine netgen model.
% Simulate Moving Ball $Id: square_mesh04.m 2663 2011-07-12 18:40:31Z aadler $

n_sims= 20;
f_mdl = mk_library_model('cylinder_16x1el_vfine');
f_mdl.stimulation = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,'{ad}','{ad}',{},1);
[vh,vi,xyzr_pt]= simulate_3d_movement( n_sims, f_mdl);

crop_model(gca, inline('x-z<-8','x','y','z'))

hold on
for i=1:n_sims
   xp=xyzr_pt(1,i); yp=xyzr_pt(2,i);
   zp=xyzr_pt(3,i); rp=xyzr_pt(4,i);
   hh=surf(rp*xs+xp, rp*ys+yp, rp*zs+zp);
hold off

axis equal
print_convert square_mesh04a.png '-density 75'
print_convert square_mesh04b.png '-density 75'

Note: this stimulation requires at least 4GB memory and many minutes of CPU time to run. The calculated data are available here

Figure: Two different views of netgen model of a 16×1 electrode tank on which data are sumulated. The positions of the simulated conductive target moving in a helical path are shown in purple, and the plane of the reconstructed images are shown in blue.

Reconstruct Images

First, we reconstruct images on the rectangular mesh, using the coarse to fine mapping.
% 2D solver $Id: square_mesh05.m 4839 2015-03-30 07:44:50Z aadler $

% Create a new inverse model, and set
% reconstruction model and fwd_model
imdl= mk_common_model('c2c2',16); im_fm= imdl.fwd_model;
imdl.rec_model= s_mdl;
imdl.fwd_model= f_mdl;
imdl.fwd_model.stimulation= im_fm.stimulation;
imdl.fwd_model.meas_select= im_fm.meas_select;

s_mdl.mk_coarse_fine_mapping.f2c_offset = [0,0,5];
s_mdl.mk_coarse_fine_mapping.f2c_project = (1/15)*speye(3);
s_mdl.mk_coarse_fine_mapping.z_depth = 0.1;
c2f= mk_coarse_fine_mapping( f_mdl, s_mdl);
imdl.fwd_model.coarse2fine = c2f;
imdl.RtR_prior = @prior_gaussian_HPF;
imdl.solve = @inv_solve_diff_GN_one_step;
imdl.hyperparameter.value= 0.03;

imgs= inv_solve(imdl, vh, vi);

Next, we reconstruct images on a classic 2D circular FEM, and compare the images.
% 2D solver $Id: square_mesh06.m 4839 2015-03-30 07:44:50Z aadler $

% Create a classic 2D inverse model
imdl= mk_common_model('c2c2',16);
imdl.RtR_prior = @prior_gaussian_HPF;
imdl.solve = @inv_solve_diff_GN_one_step;
imdl.hyperparameter.value= 0.1;

imgc= inv_solve(imdl, vh, vi);

% Show on the mesh
subplot(121); show_fem(imgs); axis equal; axis tight;
subplot(122); show_fem(imgc); axis equal; axis tight;
print_convert square_mesh06a.png

% Show on a grid 
subplot(121); show_slices(imgs)
subplot(122); show_slices(imgc)
print_convert square_mesh06b.png

Figure: FEM and reconstructed image Left Reconstructed image on rectangular mesh (Dual mesh) Right Reconstructed image on 2D circular mesh

Figure: Reconstructed images Left Reconstructed image on rectangular mesh (Dual mesh) Right Reconstructed image on 2D circular mesh

Last Modified: $Date: 2017-02-28 13:12:08 -0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $