

CALC_NOISE_FIGURE: calculate the noise amplification (NF) of an algorithm


function [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)


 CALC_NOISE_FIGURE: calculate the noise amplification (NF) of an algorithm
 [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)
    inv_model  => inverse model object
    hp         => value of hyperparameter to use (if not spec
         then use the value of inv_model.hyperparameter.value)
    iterations => number of iterations (default 10)
       (for calculation of noise figure using random noise)
    if hp is [] => use the hp on the inv_model
  NF = calculated NF. SE = standard error on NF

 hp is specified, it will be used for the hyperparameter.
    Otherwise the inv_model.hyperparameter will be used.

 Noise Figure must be defined for a specific measurement
 In order to specify data, use
   to use a temporal solver (or the Kalman filter), the
   measurement to perform the NF calc must also be specified,
   otherwise, the middle measurement will be used

 In order to automatically simulate data, specify tgt_elems,
   containing a vector of elements to use

 [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, vh, vi)
    interface provided for compatibility with the deprecated


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)
0002 % CALC_NOISE_FIGURE: calculate the noise amplification (NF) of an algorithm
0003 % [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, hp, iterations)
0004 %    inv_model  => inverse model object
0005 %    hp         => value of hyperparameter to use (if not spec
0006 %         then use the value of inv_model.hyperparameter.value)
0007 %    iterations => number of iterations (default 10)
0008 %       (for calculation of noise figure using random noise)
0009 %    if hp is [] => use the hp on the inv_model
0010 %  NF = calculated NF. SE = standard error on NF
0011 %
0012 % hp is specified, it will be used for the hyperparameter.
0013 %    Otherwise the inv_model.hyperparameter will be used.
0014 %
0015 % Noise Figure must be defined for a specific measurement
0016 % In order to specify data, use
0017 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t1
0018 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t2
0019 %   to use a temporal solver (or the Kalman filter), the
0020 %   measurement to perform the NF calc must also be specified,
0021 %   using:
0022 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_select
0023 %   otherwise, the middle measurement will be used
0024 %
0025 % In order to automatically simulate data, specify tgt_elems,
0026 %   containing a vector of elements to use
0027 %
0028 %     inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_elems
0029 %
0030 % [NF,SE] = calc_noise_figure( inv_model, vh, vi)
0031 %    interface provided for compatibility with the deprecated
0032 %    calc_noise_params
0034 % (C) 2005 Andy Adler. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
0035 % $Id: calc_noise_figure.m 5867 2018-12-09 18:36:39Z aadler $
0037 % A normal definition of noise power is based on power:
0038 %      NF = SNR_z / SNR_x
0039 %    SNR_z = sumsq(z0) / var(z) = sum(z0.^2) / trace(Rn)
0040 %    SNR_x = sumsq(x0) / var(x) = sum(x0.^2) / trace(ABRnB'A')
0041 % but his doesn't work, because the signal spreads like
0042 % the amplitude, not like the power, thus
0043 %      NF = SNR_z / SNR_x
0044 %    SNR_z = sum(|z0|/len_z) / std(z/len_z)
0045 %    SNR_x = sum(|x0|/len_x) / std(x/len_x)
0047 if ischar(inv_model) && strcmp(inv_model,'UNIT_TEST'), do_unit_test, return, end
0049 if nargin>=2 && numel(hp) == 1
0050    inv_model.hyperparameter.value= hp;
0051 % Remove function parameter because it will recurse
0052    try; inv_model.hyperparameter = rmfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'func'); end
0053 end
0054 if nargin == 3 && numel(hp) > 1
0055     h_data = hp;
0056     c_data = iterations;
0057     if isstruct(c_data) && strcmp(c_data.type,'data'); 
0058        c_data = c_data.meas;
0059     end
0060 elseif nargin == 3 && isstruct(hp);
0061     if strcmp(hp.type,'data'); 
0062        h_data = hp.meas;
0063     else
0064        error('expecting object of type "data"')
0065     end
0066     c_data = iterations;
0067     if isstruct(c_data) && strcmp(c_data.type,'data'); 
0068        c_data = c_data.meas;
0069     end
0070 else
0071     [inv_model, h_data, c_data] = process_parameters( inv_model );
0072 end
0074 % disable solution checking (slow)
0075 inv_model.inv_solve.calc_solution_error = false;
0077 %NF= nf_calc_use_matrix( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0078 %NF= nf_calc_iterate( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0079 if nargin<3; iterations= 10; end
0080 solver = inv_model.solve;
0081 if ischar(solver) && strcmp(solver, 'eidors_default')
0082     solver = eidors_default('get','inv_solve');
0083 end
0084 if isa(solver,'function_handle')
0085     solver = func2str(solver);
0086 end
0087 switch solver
0088     case {'inv_solve_backproj'
0089             'inv_solve_conj_grad'
0090             'inv_solve_diff_GN_one_step'
0091             'inv_solve_trunc_iterative'
0092             'inv_solve_TSVD'
0093             'solve_use_matrix'}
0094         NF = nf_calc_linear( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0095         SE = 0;
0096     otherwise
0097         [NF,SE]= nf_calc_random( inv_model, h_data, c_data, iterations);
0098 end
0099 eidors_msg('@@ NF= %f', NF, 2);
0101 function [inv_model, h_data, c_data] = process_parameters( inv_model );
0103    if     isfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'tgt_elems')
0104       [h_data, c_data]= simulate_targets( inv_model.fwd_model, ...
0105            inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_elems);
0106    elseif isfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'tgt_data')
0107       tgt_data= inv_model.hyperparameter.tgt_data;
0108       h_data= tgt_data.meas_t1;
0109       c_data= tgt_data.meas_t2;
0110    else
0111       error('unsure how to get data to measure signal');
0112    end
0114    % if hp is specified, then use that value
0116    if isfield(inv_model.hyperparameter,'func')
0117       funcname= inv_model.hyperparameter.func;
0118       if strcmp( class(funcname), 'function_handle')
0119          funcname= func2str(funcname);
0120       end
0122       if strcmp(funcname, 'choose_noise_figure')
0123          error('specifying inv_model.hp.func = choose_noise_figure will recurse');
0124       end
0125    end
0127 function params = nf_calc_linear(imdl, vh, vi )
0128 % params = GREIT_noise_params(imdl, homg_voltage, sig_voltage)
0129 %  params(1,:) = Noise Figure = SNR(image) / SNR(data)
0130 %
0131 %  see also: eval_GREIT_fig_merit or using test_performance
0133 % (C) 2008 Andy Adler. Licensed under GPL v2 or v3
0134 % $Id: calc_noise_figure.m 5867 2018-12-09 18:36:39Z aadler $
0138 if 0 % old code with random noise
0139      % Keep this to validate while we test it
0140    Nnoise = 1000;
0141    noise = 0.01*std(vh)*randn(size(vh,1),Nnoise);
0142    vhn= vh*ones(1,Nnoise) + noise;
0143 else % use independent noise model on each channel
0144    noise = 0.01*std(vh)*speye(size(vh,1));
0145    vhn= vh*ones(1,size(vh,1)) + noise;
0146 end
0148 signal_y = calc_difference_data( vh, vi,  imdl.fwd_model);
0149 noise_y  = calc_difference_data( vh, vhn, imdl.fwd_model);
0151 signal_x = inv_solve(imdl, vh, vi);  
0152 signal_x = data_mapper(signal_x); signal_x = signal_x.elem_data;
0153 noise_x  = inv_solve(imdl, vh, vhn); 
0154 noise_x  = data_mapper(noise_x);  noise_x  = noise_x.elem_data;
0156 use_rec = 1;
0157 try 
0158    use_rec = ~imdl.prior_use_fwd_not_rec;
0159 end
0160 if use_rec
0161    try
0162       VOL = get_elem_volume(imdl.rec_model);
0163    catch
0164       VOL = get_elem_volume(imdl.fwd_model);
0165    end
0166 else
0167    VOL = get_elem_volume(imdl.fwd_model);
0168 end
0169 VOL = spdiags(VOL,0, length(VOL), length(VOL));
0171 signal_x = VOL*signal_x;
0172 noise_x = VOL*noise_x;
0174 signal_x = mean(abs(signal_x),1);
0175 noise_x  = mean(std(noise_x));
0176 snr_x = signal_x / noise_x;
0178 signal_y = mean(abs(signal_y),1);
0179 noise_y  = mean(std(noise_y)); 
0180 snr_y = signal_y / noise_y;
0182 params= [snr_y(:)./snr_x(:)]';
0184 try
0185 eidors_msg('@@ NF= %f (hp=%e)', NF, imdl.hyperparameter.value, 2);
0186 end
0189 % NOTES on the calculations: AA - Feb 20, 2012
0190 % SNR = mean(abs(x)); VAR =
0191 % ym= E[y]
0192 % Sy= E[(y-ym)*(y-ym)'] = E[y*y'] - ym*ym'
0193 % ny = sqrt(trace(Sy))
0194 % xm= E[x]  = E[R*y] = R*E[y] = R*ym
0195 % Sx= E[(x-xm)*(x-xm)'] = E[x*x'] - xm*xm'
0196 %   = E[R*ym*ym'*R'] = R*E[ym*ym']*R' = R*Sy*R'
0197 % nx = sqrt(trace(Sx))
0198 %
0199 % signal = mean(abs(x));
0200 %
0201 % In this case, these are exactly the same:
0202 %    noise_x  = mean(std(noise_x));
0203 %    noise_x  = sqrt(mean(noise_x.^2,2));
0206 function NF= nf_calc_use_matrix( inv_model, h_data, c_data)
0207 % To model std(z) we use z=z0+n
0208 % so that std(z) = sqrt(var(z)) = sqrt(1/L * E[n'*n])
0209 % we know a priori that the mean noise is zero, thus
0210 % we do not need to divide by L-1 in the variance
0211 % E[n'*n] = E[ trace(n*n') ] = trace( cov_N )
0212 % Thus, std(z) = sqrt( trace( cov_N )/L )
0213 %              = sqrt( mean( diag( cov_N )))
0214 % And,  std(x) = sqrt( mean( diag( cov_X )))
0215 %
0216 % To model cov_N, we consider independant noise
0217 %  on each channel, cov_N= N*N', N=diag( sigma_i )
0218 % And,              cov_X= X*X', X=reconst(N)
0219 % where X= reconst(mdl, z0,z0+N)
0220 %
0221 % To run efficiently mean(diag(cov_N))=mean(sum(N.^2,2))
0222 % The sum over X is actually weighted by the volume of
0223 %  each element, so VOL.^2*(sum(X.^2,2)
0224    try 
0225        VOL = get_elem_volume(inv_model.rec_model)';
0226    catch
0227        VOL = get_elem_volume(inv_model.fwd_model)';
0228    end
0230    % calculate signal
0231    d_len   = size(h_data,1);
0232    delta   = 1e-2* mean(h_data);
0233    c_noise = c_data*ones(1,d_len) + eye(d_len);
0234    h_full  = h_data*ones(1,d_len);
0236    sig_data = mean(abs( ...
0237          calc_difference_data( h_data, c_data , inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0238                        ));
0239    var_data = mean(sum( ...
0240          calc_difference_data( h_full, c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0241                        .^2, 2)); 
0244    % calculate image
0245    % Note, this won't work if the algorithm output is not zero biased
0246    [img0, img0n] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_data, ...
0247                                h_full, c_noise);
0249    i_len = length(img0);
0250    sig_img= VOL*abs(img0) / i_len;;
0251    var_img= VOL.^2*sum(img0n.^2 ,2) / i_len;
0253    NF = ( sig_data/ sqrt(var_data) ) / ( sig_img / sqrt(var_img)  );
0255    % For the record, the expression for var_img is derived as:
0256    % Equiv expresssions for var_img % given: A= diag(pp.VOLUME);
0257    % var_img= trace(A*RM*diag(Rn.^2)*RM'*A');
0258    % vv=A*RM*diag(Rn);var_img=trace(vv*vv'); var_img= sum(sum(vv.^2));
0259    % var_img= VOL2* (RM*diag(Rn)).^2
0260    % var_img= VOL2* RM.^2 * Rn.^2
0263 % simulate homg data and a small target in centre
0264 function [h_data, c_data]= simulate_targets( fwd_model, ctr_elems)
0266    homg= 1; % homogeneous conductivity level is 1
0268    %Step 1: homogeneous image
0269    sigma= homg*ones( size(fwd_model.elems,1) ,1);
0271    img= eidors_obj('image', 'homogeneous image', ...
0272                    'elem_data', sigma, ...
0273                    'fwd_model', fwd_model );
0274    h_data=fwd_solve( img );
0275    h_data= h_data.meas;
0277    %Step 1: inhomogeneous image with contrast in centre
0278    delta = 1e-2;
0279    sigma(ctr_elems) = homg*(1 + delta);
0280    img.elem_data = sigma;
0281    c_data=fwd_solve( img );
0282    c_data= c_data.meas;
0284 function [img0, img0n] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_data, ...
0285                                h_full, c_noise);
0286    if isa(inv_model.solve,'function_handle')
0287       solve= func2str(inv_model.solve);
0288    else
0289       solve= inv_model.solve;
0290    end
0292 % Test for special functions and solve them specially
0293    switch solve
0294    case 'ab_tv_diff_solve'
0295       error('Dont know how to calculate TV noise figure')
0297    case 'inv_solve_diff_kalman'
0298       inv_model.inv_solve_diff_kalman.keep_K_k1= 1;
0299       stablize = 6;
0300       img0 = inv_solve( inv_model, h_data, ...
0301                                    c_data*ones(1,stablize) );
0302       K= img0.inv_solve_diff_kalman.K_k1;
0303       img0.elem_data = K*calc_difference_data( h_data , c_data , inv_model.fwd_model);
0304       img0n.elem_data= K*calc_difference_data( h_full , c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model);
0306    otherwise
0307       img0 = inv_solve( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0308       if nargin>4
0309       img0n= inv_solve( inv_model, h_full, c_noise);
0310       end
0311    end
0313    % Need elem or nodal data
0314    if isfield(img0,'node_data');
0315       img0 = img0.node_data;
0316    else
0317       img0 = img0.elem_data;
0318    end
0320    if isfield(img0n,'node_data');
0321       img0n = img0n.node_data;
0322    else
0323       img0n = img0n.elem_data;
0324    end
0326 % OLD CODE - iterate
0327 function NF= nf_calc_iterate( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0328    try 
0329        VOL = get_elem_volume(inv_model.rec_model)';
0330    catch
0331        VOL = get_elem_volume(inv_model.fwd_model)';
0332    end
0333    % calculate signal
0334    d_len   = size(h_data,1);
0335    delta   = 1e-2* mean(h_data);
0336    sig_data = mean(abs( ...
0337          calc_difference_data( h_data, c_data , inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0338                        ));
0339    % calculate image
0340    % Note, this won't work if the algorithm output is not zero biased
0342    [img0] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_data);
0343 %  sig_img= mean(VOL'.*abs(img0.elem_data));
0344    sig_img= VOL*abs(img0) / length(img0);
0346    % Now do noise
0347    var_data= 0;
0348    var_img = 0;
0349    for i=1:d_len
0350       this_noise = -ones(d_len, size(c_data,2))/(d_len-1);
0351       this_noise(i,:) = 1;
0352       c_noise = c_data + this_noise;
0353       [imgn] = get_images( inv_model, h_data, c_noise);
0354       if 1
0355          var_data = var_data + mean(sum( ...
0356             calc_difference_data( h_data, c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0357                           .^2, 2)); 
0358 %        var_img= var_img +  mean( (VOL'.*imgn.elem_data).^2 );
0359          var_img= var_img +  (VOL.^2)*sum(imgn.elem_data.^2,2 ) / length(imgn.elem_data); 
0360       else
0361          % OLD APPROACH BASED ON variance, rather than matrix calcs
0362          var_data = var_data + var( ...
0363             calc_difference_data( h_data, c_noise, inv_model.fwd_model ) ...
0364                                  ); 
0365          var_img= var_img + var( VOL'.*imgn.elem_data ); 
0366       end
0367    end
0368    var_data = var_data / d_len;
0369    var_img  = var_img  / d_len;
0370    NF = ( sig_data/ sqrt(var_data) ) / ( sig_img / sqrt(var_img)  );
0372 function [NF,SE]= nf_calc_random( rec, vh, vi, N_RUNS);
0373    eidors_cache('boost_priority',-2); % low priority values
0375    imgr= inv_solve(rec, vh, vi);
0377    if isfield(imgr,'node_data');
0378       img0 = imgr.node_data;
0379       try
0380           VOL = get_elem_volume(rec.rec_model, 1);
0381       catch
0382           VOL = get_elem_volume(rec.fwd_model, 1);
0383       end
0384    else
0385       n_els = length(rec.fwd_model);
0386       img0 = imgr.elem_data(1:n_els); % elem_data can also contain movement
0387       try
0388           VOL = get_elem_volume(rec.rec_model, 0);
0389       catch
0390           VOL = get_elem_volume(rec.fwd_model, 0);
0391       end
0392    end
0394    sig_ampl = mean( abs( VOL .* img0 )) / ...
0395               mean( abs( calc_difference_data( vh, vi, rec.fwd_model )));
0397 % Estimate Signal Amplitude
0398    for i=1:N_RUNS
0399       vn= addnoise(vh, vi, 1.0);
0401       imgr= inv_solve(rec, vh, vn);
0403       if isfield(imgr,'node_data'); img0 = imgr.node_data;
0404       else;                         img0 = imgr.elem_data(1:n_els);
0405       end
0407       noi_imag(i) = std( VOL .* img0 );
0408       noi_sgnl(i) = std( calc_difference_data( vh, vn, rec.fwd_model ));
0409    end
0411    noi_ampl = noi_imag./noi_sgnl;
0412    NF =  mean(noi_ampl/sig_ampl);
0413    SE =  std(noi_ampl/sig_ampl)/sqrt(N_RUNS);
0414    eidors_msg('NF= %f+/-%f', NF, SE, 3);
0416    eidors_cache('boost_priority',2);
0418 function noise= addnoise( vh, vi, SNR);
0419       if isstruct(vh); vh= vh.meas; end
0420       if isstruct(vi); vi= vi.meas; end
0421       noise = randn(size(vh));
0422       noise = noise*std(vh-vi)/std(noise);
0423       noise = vh + SNR*noise;
0425 function do_unit_test
0426     ll = eidors_msg('log_level',1);
0427     test1; % can we deal with c2f ?
0428     imdl = mk_common_model('a2t2',16); test2(imdl);
0429     imdl = mk_common_model('d2t2',16); test2(imdl);
0430     imdl = mk_common_model('a2c2',16); test2(imdl);
0431     imdl = mk_common_model('d2c2',16); test2(imdl);
0432     ll = eidors_msg('log_level',ll);
0434 function test1
0435     % big model with c2f and supposedly an NF of 0.5
0436     fmdl = mk_library_model('pig_23kg_16el');
0437     [fmdl.stimulation fmdl.meas_select] = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,'{ad}','{ad}');
0438     fmdl = mdl_normalize(fmdl, 1);  % Use normalized difference imaging
0439     opt.noise_figure = 0.5; opt.imgsz = [64 64];
0440     imdl = mk_GREIT_model(fmdl, 0.25, [], opt);
0441     % homogeneous measurement
0442     img = mk_image(fmdl,1);
0443     vh = fwd_solve(img);
0444     % inhomogeneous measurement
0445     select_fcn = inline('(x-0).^2+(y-0).^2+(z-0.5).^2<0.1^2','x','y','z');
0446     mfrac = elem_select(fmdl, select_fcn);
0447     img.elem_data = img.elem_data + mfrac*0.1;
0448     vi = fwd_solve(img);
0450     nf1 = calc_noise_params(imdl, vh.meas, vi.meas);
0452     % We use different measurements so naturally we don't get 0.5 here
0453     imdl.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t1 = vh.meas;
0454     imdl.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t2 = vi.meas;
0455     try
0456         % calc_noise_figure doens't support dual models
0457         nf2 = calc_noise_figure(imdl);
0458     catch
0459         nf2 = 0;
0460     end
0461     unit_test_cmp('Noise fig implementations',nf1, nf2, 1e-2);
0463 function test2(imdl)
0464     fmdl = imdl.fwd_model;
0465     % homogeneous measurement
0466     img = mk_image(fmdl,1);
0467     vh = fwd_solve(img);
0468     % inhomogeneous measurement
0469     select_fcn = inline('(x-0).^2+(y-0).^2.^2<15^2','x','y','z');
0470     mfrac = elem_select(fmdl, select_fcn);
0471     img.elem_data = img.elem_data + mfrac*0.1;
0472     vi = fwd_solve(img);
0474     nf1 = calc_noise_params(imdl, vh.meas, vi.meas);
0475     eidors_msg(nf1,0);
0477 imdl.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t1 = vh.meas;
0478 imdl.hyperparameter.tgt_data.meas_t2 = vi.meas;
0479 % calc_noise_figure doens't support dual models
0480 nf2 = calc_noise_figure(imdl,[],1000);
0481 unit_test_cmp('Noise fig implementations',nf1, nf2, 1e-2);

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